How to Hit Refresh This Spring

*Please note: This post was written a few weeks ago, and in lieu of recent world events, please be sure to follow the health authorities recommendations. We recommend saving some of these recommendations that aren't doable at the moment for a later date because they're still awesome tips!!


Do you feel it? It’s that weird season between winter and spring where so many of us start to get that “I need a change” itch. Maybe you feel restless, overwhelmed, overworked, tired, or just like you need a hit of energy in your life.

Maybe you’re even tempted to do something drastic like quit your job, move to the tiny home, travel the world and reinvent yourself entirely! Hey, we’re here for that if it’s what you need to do but sometimes all it takes to hit the refresh button are a couple of small changes.

If a complete life overhaul isn’t for you, let’s talk about some simple ways you can hit refresh and inject a little energy into your life.  

9 Simple Ways to Hit Refresh This Spring

Get Outside

There’s no denying that fresh air and vitamin D play an important role in our overall well being.  While we advocate “Taking it Outside”  year-round, we also know that many people hibernate in the colder months and wait for spring to start enjoying the great outdoors again.  Getting outdoors doesn’t have to mean an hour-long run after work, it can be simple:

  • Park the car 2 blocks away from the office
  • Use 15 minutes of your lunch break to go for a walk
  • Enjoy coffee on your porch
  • Check out a local walking trail you haven’t experienced before
  • Rather than “meeting for drinks”, invite a friend on a hike or walk
  • Enjoy the last days of the outdoor rink in your town

Let Go

“Spring Cleaning” is a thing for a reason.  There’s something about this time of year that has us wanting to purge the old and make room for new.  Take a look at your life and find something that no longer serves you. Maybe it’s time to finally ditch the TV (OK, we know that might sound extreme to some) or perhaps you’ve been hanging on to a storage bin of old Tupperware for 2 years (we see you).  Choose something to let go of.

Add Color to Your Life

Quick - when you think of spring, what colors come to mind?  Yellow, purple, blue? Infusing color into your life is a great way to boost your mood and motivate you to get moving.  Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Buy fresh flowers for your desk or counter
  • Add a new color to your capsule wardrobe
  • Update your sofa cushions with some bright colors to change the look and feel of your living space

Find Something to Look Forward to

We all have to-do lists a mile long and it’s easy to forget to enjoy the simple joys of life.  Take some time and make a quick list of some things that make YOU happy, then grab your calendar and start booking.  Having something to look forward to will create a whole new energy. Planning something for the future that lights you up is a great way to stay motivated.

  • Book a trip (or a staycation)
  • Sign up for a class
  • Schedule lunch with a friend at your favorite cafe
  • Buy tickets to an event


Spring is a perfect time to hit refresh on your fitness plan!  While we’re BIG fans of outdoor activities like hiking, jogging, cycling and paddling - any exercise that you love is a great choice.  Take advantage of a few different gym trials in your city, join a walking or hiking club, or consider a league or some kind that will keep you active!  Some ideas might include:

  • Local hiking, running or paddling clubs
  • Softball leagues
  • Axe Throwing League (it’s a thing...and it’s really fun)
  • Fitness studios (try all the classes and see which ones stick)
  • Dance classes

Spring Clean Your Favorite Outdoor Space

The next time you’re heading out for a hike or a beach walk, take a reusable bag with you and try to fill it with trash during your walk. There’s a growing movement of people opting into the #trashtag challenge.  It’s so trendy, it’s gone viral! If you’re a social media lover, you can post a photo and use the hashtag #trashtag to join the trend.

Refresh Your Wardrobe

Yes, it will rain.  Spring is notorious for messy weather but it’s also a perfect opportunity to refresh your wardrobe and add some spring essentials.  Aside from breathing new life into your wardrobe with color, why not treat yourself to a great pair of water-resistant boots and a fabulous raincoat.  Those two things alone will have you embracing raining, dreary weather so you’ll have an excuse to wear your new gear!

Spring Clean Your Indoor Space (one project at a time)

Rather than taking on the daunting task of spring cleaning your entire home, let’s start small and go for a win.  Neuroscience has taught us that when we finish a project, we get a rush of dopamine (our feel-good hormone). So whether it’s cleaning out your garage, organizing your pantry or finally tackling your junk drawer - pick a project, any project...and finish it.  Remember, it doesn’t have to be huge! Picking a simple project, like one of these, to completely organize will do wonders for your mood (and productivity):

  • Your junk drawer
  • Your desk
  • Your cleaning cabinet
  • Under your bathroom sink
  • Your shoe closet
  • Any closet in your home
  • Garage (or just one section of your garage)
  • Your car!

BONUS: choose one of these spaces each week and by summer you’ll have all the messiest areas of your home neat and organized!

Make a Plan

There are all kinds of ways to hit the refresh button this spring but the best advice we can offer is this:

Just do something!

Grab your journal and a pen, use this list as inspiration and start writing.  What are all the ways you can hit the refresh button in your own life? Pick the top 2 or 3 that really speak to you and book them in your calendar like any other appointment.



Written by with Dashboard Living

Traveling in search of great wine, exceptional food and cushy place to rest our heads.  Living in pursuit of authentic experiences and prioritizing memories over things while encouraging others to do the same.

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